Papers from the WILA Conference have been published in a variety of venues. Beginning in 2022, selected proceedings are published through Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies. The series editors are Kari Kinn and Michael T. Putnam.
Hietpas, Rachyl, Mirva Johnson, Laura Moquin, Joe Salmons, Charlotte Vanhecke. 2024. Selected proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies.
Peterson, Elizabeth, and Eeva Sippola. 2022. Selected proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies.
Biers, Kelly, and Joshua R. Brown. 2021. Selected proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hjelde, Arnstein, and Åshild Søfteland. 2020. Selected proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Biers, Kelly, and Joshua R. Brown. 2019. Selected proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Petersen, Jan Heegård, and Karoline Kühl. 2018. Selected proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Bousquette, Joshua, and Joshua R. Brown. 2018. Heritage languages in North America: Formal linguistic approaches. Journal of Language Contact 11 (3).
Brown, Joshua R., and Joshua Bousquette. 2018. Heritage languages in North America: Sociolinguistic approaches. Journal of Language Contact 11 (2).
Johannessen, Janne Bondi, and Joseph C. Salmons. 2015. Germanic heritage languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition, and change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Peterson, Elizabeth, and Eeva Sippola. 2022. Selected proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies.
Biers, Kelly, and Joshua R. Brown. 2021. Selected proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hjelde, Arnstein, and Åshild Søfteland. 2020. Selected proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Biers, Kelly, and Joshua R. Brown. 2019. Selected proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Petersen, Jan Heegård, and Karoline Kühl. 2018. Selected proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Bousquette, Joshua, and Joshua R. Brown. 2018. Heritage languages in North America: Formal linguistic approaches. Journal of Language Contact 11 (3).
Brown, Joshua R., and Joshua Bousquette. 2018. Heritage languages in North America: Sociolinguistic approaches. Journal of Language Contact 11 (2).
Johannessen, Janne Bondi, and Joseph C. Salmons. 2015. Germanic heritage languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition, and change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.